21 March, 2019

Brightwall [Digital Matte Painting]

[Digital Matte Painting]

In this video I wanted to use Blender 2.8 and more importantly, Eevee to create a Digital Matte Painting.

Brightwall Preview

Digital Matte Painting Tutorial

I would have liked to have more time to spend on this Matte Painting and really make it look a lot better but unfortunately I was short on time. 

The idea behind it though was to show how awesome Blender 2.8 and Eevee is. 
(so I guess it doesn't really matter how crappy this example is, ;))

Using Eevee for our Matte Paintings will not only save us a whole bunch of time with rendering but also with many other improvements we can optimize our process even further. 

I opened up the last Digital Matte Painting we did "Castle Rock" and rendered the same thing. In 2.79 it took around 38 seconds to render one frame but in 2.8 and with Eevee,  it was rendered in a fraction of the time. 

I hope this video shows you how cool 2.8 is and more importantly, how its possible to create a Digital Matte Painting in Blender 2.8

Now get out there and create something awesome (and something better than this example :D). If you do create a cool Digital Matte Painting, be sure to post a link in our Facebook group!. 

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and thanks for watching!.. 

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Background Image 002





Smoke Elements