20 October, 2020

Blender Python Tutorial: INSTA-MIST Add-on



In this video, we will be creating a new add-on which will help speed up our workflow when working with Mist. 

As Artists, we often repeat the same process over and over (such as adding mist) and though it's not a complex task, it is rather time consuming. 

I wanted to show how easy it was to create a simple Add-on that speeds up the process quickly. Each of us use Blender for different reasons but it's always a good idea to improve your workflow by creating personalized tools like the Insta-Mist.

Not only will we enable the Mist Pass, Enable the Viewport Display in the camera settings, adding the Mist Options to our newly created panel but we will also arrange the compositor for this whole effect to work. So the next time we want to add Mist to our Renders we can simply press a button and let the add-on do the hard work for us.

We will only need a Panel and an Operator, though to make it look better, I later added a sub panel (if you want to know how to add a sub panel be sure to check out our scripting playlist).

You can add the Panel and Operator from the templates or if you want to follow along you can download the template script here.

Alternatively, you can download the finished Insta-Mist script here.

I hope you find this tool and this tutorial helpful!. Be sure to hit that like button and as always, thanks for reading!

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