In this video, I wanted to let you know that Version 2.9 of Blender is available and I will be using this new version for all future Tutorials. I also wanted to show some of the changes to the Scripting Workspace.
The Info Window has been slightly redesigned with clear icons and nice spacing, making it much easier to read the lines of code.
Though not all changes are good, with the new version there are some problems with our old scripts. Many of them may not work as they should or at all.
This could be due to a number of things though if you read your error messages you should be able to quickly diagnose the bug and fix it with ease. In the next video we will be checking out an error message and how we can fix it, so be sure to look out for that!.
Another major change has been to some nodes, from adding new options to switching outputs around. As you can see from this example, the Noise Texture is one of the Nodes that has changed.
Changing these nodes will certainly break your add-on (if your add-on utilizes nodes), for example in the old version we would use the output 0 but in the new version of blender this would change the effect of our shader. To fix this we just need to check the nodes and change the index number in the correct part of our script.
With the Addition of the Roughness, it forces the Distortion option down thus changing it's index number. That means if you have defined a certain value for the distortion, it will now be applied to the Roughness instead.
Unfortunately there is no error message to display since this is "technically" not a bug. So it's a good idea to go through your scripts and test them. All the functions/operations and settings.
I have also found that some Icons are no longer in use and as you can see from the video it has broken the panel and no longer displays the operator buttons. While this is a simple fix, it's just one example that a minor adjustment can be severe.
I have been trying to find a list of all the changes between the old version and the new but I have had no luck. I will list a post with all the changes I find, if you find anymore you can post a comment below and I will add it to the list.
I hope you find this video helpful and as always, thanks for watching!.